Tuesday, April 4, 2017

yet another post about the kardashians/jenners

Pespi released this ad featuring Kendall Jenner leaving a photoshoot midday after seeing a protest in the streets. She walks and joins the crowd and hands a police office a Pepsi can which is received with great praise and cheer by the protesters. I’ve been to several protests both pre and post election, and I think what’s interesting is that it’s nearly always the white people thanking the police officers that would not hesitate to arrest, abuse, and kill the marginalized communities that are out there fighting for their rights. I remember distinctly being at the women’s march recently and you could just tell that this was the first time many people had been out there before. It was heartwarming to see new faces, especially the younger ones. But this also meant the energy levels were very different. There was a lot less yelling and chanting and a lot more smiling faces thanking officers for being there. As a South Los Angeles the term “fuck 12” has been engraved in my memory for as long as I can remember and it always will be until there is some concrete change.

Here’s the tweet that led me to look up the video and read a few articles responding to is. While many celebrities have been extremely outspoken and beneficial to the cause by reaching wider audiences at what point do very real, very important social issues simply become yet another thing to profit and capitalize on.

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