So after this weeks readings, it made me think of type-casting and how it will inevitably continue in entertainment and by association encourage/perpetuate stereotypes to the public about (more specifically) women, and differnent ethnic backgrounds. I decided to search typecasted actors and oddly enough the list wasn't very diverse and that made me consider another thought: Is Hollywood or the general public THAT oblivious to the profiling and generalizations STILL? Anywho, here is the link to the list. Haha.
Jim Carey, Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz, and Meg Ryan are a few I can think of off the top of my head. That's not including actors like Jimmy Stewart or Marilyn Monroe who made careers out of playing the same type of character. I think both Hollywood and the public are aware of typecasting, but I don't think it bothers either until the market gets saturated with the same type of movie from the same players. The people I named use to be Hollywood favorites that no longer can get a staring role (excluding Roberts) because people have grown tired of seeing the same stories. My mom to this day hates watching any Jim Carey or Julia Roberts movie cause she thinks they don't have enough range between their movies.