Thursday, March 23, 2017

Emma Watson: Not a Feminist?

Emma Watson has been countlessly criticized before the release of Disney's Beauty and the Beast for "for not embodying feminism" by posing in a racy photo showing some of her cleavage. Many of the woman are outraged saying that she is a hypocrite for claiming to be a feminist while also doing something that feminism does not stand for. I find it to be an interesting argument but there are some contradictions within how people coin the term "feminism".

Her whole identity and image is associated with the idea of standing up for females so I find it interesting that within that racy image some cultural contradictions come out to play. Emma Watson's argument is feminism is being treated equally in all shapes and forms, therefore, showing her boobs should not be an outrage because that should be accepted as a whole. Men are allowed to show their bare chests so why shouldn't we? However, others who are outraged claim that it is backwards to want to be respected as an equal while also hyper-sexualizing yourself.

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