Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Core Post 3/29:  Black Masculinities and Popular Culture

In this weeks readings about “Black Masculinities and Popular Culture,” Mercer analyzed the intricacies of Michael Jackson’s music videography, particularly Thriller, while simultaneously tackling the pop-stars influential yet extraordinarily complex public persona. A theme that echoed throughout Mercer’s text was his claim of Jacksons self/cultural awareness, and how that consciousness was reflective in the outcome of his creative work in Thriller, both visually and aurally. Jackson, known for his very public yet somehow private physical transformation into “a more white, European look” (Mercer 306) is the product of his slow and ongoing detachment from strictly identifying as the periods public perception of what it means to be an African American male. Such an extreme physical change potentially played a major role in Jackson’s breakthrough to fans and networks such as “MTV [which] maintained an unspoken policy of excluding black artists” (Mercer 307). His androgynous yet cognizant nature, allowed other artists to explore their own identity as entertainers rather than perpetuate cultural biases and stereotypes. Although Jacksons eccentricities broke barriers for himself and others, it served as a double edged sword in Jackson accepting and embracing his own true identity. Without his transformation, would he have experienced the same success and stardom? The answer to this isn’t as important to us as fans and consumers as it is to Jackson himself. Not knowing if his success would have reached the same heights without his transformation proved to be an unfortunate influence on his life, health, and less importantly, his career.

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