Monday, March 27, 2017

Core Response

Both the reading on Paul Robeson and Michael Jackson, make a point of analysing the ways in which they were looked at by audiences as just a body and a voice. Robeson was an extremely accomplished man, not only in the industry but also in his academic life as he graduated with a law degree, was part of Phi Beta Kappa, and was also a very successful football player. His transition into music and film, as explained by Dyer has very different perspectives from white and black audiences. White audiences saw Robeson’s success as an achievement and an opportunities to ignore oppressive systems by pointing at his extensive career as an example of the possibilities open to black people. Black audiences on the other hand saw him as a sell out because he was part of “white” spaces and often took roles that only emphasized stereotypes. What was probably not talked about and publicized were Roberson’s efforts to make subtle changes in his roles to changed the perception of the Negro. One example noted by Dyer is his change in lyrics in the song Old Man River which was incorporated in the Showboat productions. He attempted to change the language association with the black community. It is noted in Here I Stand, that he did not want to accept his role in Showboat due to the very explicit use of Black male stereotypes, but when he thought he had named a very outrageous price tag to the creators, he was surprised to know they accepted the offer and cast him anyway. I think one of the most intriguing components of Roberson’s life were his political affiliations and his influence from the soviet union, including the Eisenstein. There is footage of Roberson noting that he had just as much as a right to claim the communist party as he did the Republican or the Democrat. The use of Jackie Robinson, someone who also was utilized for his body, as a contrast to Roberson denouncing communist affiliation was very interesting. The connection to capitalism and labor that Dyer makes, the notion of “labour of the majority in the interest of the few”, emphasizes how bodily differences are used to separate people and group them based on existing perceptions of them. The Mercer article on Michael Jackson notes that he was known for “the grain” is how voice, the emotion he expressed that captivated individuals of all races and background around the world. It was similarly Robeson’s voice and charismatic and warm and cuddly presence that allowed white audiences to embrace him. The analysis of Jackson’s Thriller was very interesting in highlighting the fan obsessed world that he was a part of, that saw him as a body to decipher. Whether is was an emphasis on whether or not his physical appearance evolution was intentional, or what sexuality he identified with, his artistry encouraged the exploitation of his body.

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