I found Dyer's discussion and examination of the image of stardom to be very fascinating and it had me questioning how the model of this image has evolved, if at all. For the most part, the tenets of "consumption, success, and ordinariness" that Dyer outlines as the 'American Dream' image of stardom have remained relatively static as they shift into today's society. Along with this, Dyer also discussed the contradictions of this image which is just as critical to note. I particularly appreciated how Dyer uses the examples of Marilyn Monroe and Marlon Brando acting out in their private lives, clearly displaying malaise over their stardom. There has been no shortage of stars since then who have grappled with their place in the spotlight, from Lindsay Lohan to Britney Spears, the perfect image of stardom is constantly being challenged as Dyer suggests. In fact, I would argue that a tinge of angst or unhappiness is actually often a staple of these mega stars, aiding in their ability to relate to the "ordinary."In other words, some stars reject the image of a perfect lifestyle and rather lend themselves to a more realistic image, acknowledging they too go through struggles, loss, and low points. There is perhaps less pressure to present the untouchable "American Dream" image that was once so heavily placed on the stars Dyer names.
Another contradiction I enjoyed reading about was the question of ordinariness: are stars really that different? One question I'd like to ask is do we want stars to be different, or "superlative" as Dyer puts it? For me, I try to find as many ways as possible to relate to my beloved stars, but recognize they do live a different lifestyle. I'd argue that many people are also like myself in that they enjoy seeing stars performing actions or other things that would constitute a normal life - think: "Stars: They're Just Like Us!" articles.
I also particularly appreciated the different types of stars that Dyer outlined for us, such as the rebel or the pin up, it had me wondering if we could make any contemporary additions: perhaps the clown, mother, or girl next door character. But most intriguing to me, and what I think has withstood the test of time, is the label of the"independent woman" that both Dyer and LaPlace examine. There seems to be only two types of female stars that succeed and that is either the overtly feminine beauty queen, or the woman who has for all intents and purposes abandoned her femininity, taking on "male" qualities such as humor or independence.
While Dyer's discussion in this chapter mainly focused on what constitutes the image of stardom, Eckert gave us insight into why the star image is so important not to just fans, but more importantly to businesses. Eckert reminds us it is not a new practice that manufacturers, brands, and companies seek celebrities to endorse their goods and services. Today I would argue this has only been amplified with rampant technology and mass diffusibility of information. Really I don't think there is anything a celebrity could not sell his or her fans. And the manner in which we are being told to buy is not always the "in your face" stye. As Eckert explains there have always been hidden agendas in media, whether its overt or clandestine, using stars to manipulate people into thinking, "I need to buy that." This is always an unpleasant reminder to me and Eckert and LaPlace raised many points that made me frustrated with consumerism, particularly how it seems to have trapped women in a discouraging and endless cycle. Now, Voyager left me with undistinguishable feelings. In some instances, I appreciated Bette Davis' character consoling the young, "awkward" girl. But at the end of the film, the primary message seemed to be - if you manage to fix yourself up and beautify yourself, doors open and happiness is inevitable. I find it incredible how after nearly seventy years, this narrative still runs rampant. This testament that any woman can become beautiful so long as she buys x, y, and z is deeply rooted in history and remains in modernity, and the readings this week have me wondering whether history is doomed to repeat itself.
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