Sunday, January 22, 2017

Celebrities Getting Involved in Political Debate Regardless of it's Response

Aziz Ansari has recently taken over social media, trending on Facebook, Aziz proclaims that Trump supporters are "white supremacists" on Saturday Night Live.

As celebrities have become more and more prolific in stating their political views in the public space, their opinions have helped make the climate more polarized. So much so that the outlets celebrities are broadcasting their messages on are not reaching the opposing side because of the outlets not having the broader demographics from the beginning.

Trump has also helped polarize the left and right wing by bringing attention to celebrities and humanizing them. A recent incident with Meryl Streep had Trump claiming her to be "a liberal nut job" while also de-validating her comments.

While this political climate has celebrities wishing to have their voices heard from the other side, Trump supporters have stopped following the more liberalized outlets making it more difficult for celebrities to reach them.

Similarly, America Ferrara vocalized her rights as both a woman and an immigrant in this country at the Women's March in Los Angeles this weekend.

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